Wednesday, November 9, 2011


During the past months of 2011, Occupy Wall Street has raised important questions regarding the major gap between the wealthy and poor in the United States.  Dubbed as "the 99%", many Americans that don't make up the top three million Americans with the most amount of income are protesting on Wall Street, New York City in their disgust with the disparity in numbers regarding the average American's income in comparison to the "1%'s" annual income.  Many believe that the movement is one that is integral to vision of American Capitalism (  Many points made by the 99% concern the level of Americans that are below the poverty line and the amount of welfare that is given out by the government.  It is argued that this system is one that creates a perpetual loop of content fiscally by the one receiving the welfare check, therefore serving as an impediment for one's self to strive for a better life.

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